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Please find downloadable resources and links to Wiltshire Planning Applications below.


​1. Hilperton Area Action Group Flyers



2. Wiltshire Council's intended future development opportunities for the wider Wiltshire area. Refer to Trowbridge to see the intent on our doorstep. We suggest you also view other local towns along the A350 to get a better feel for the scale of development in our area.


3. Wiltshire council deliberating over current restrictions or obstacles that need to be considered for mitigation. Highlighting unresolved issues.


4. The Local draft proposals. This is the point we are currently at. The local council seems unwilling to share information on the various options being prepared for public consultation, with the date as yet unknown. HAAG continues to press the council at every opportunity for more information. For Hilperton proposal see pages 11-15 . For Staverton proposal see pages 16 -19.


5. HAAG continues to prepare in advance, collecting evidence for possible points of objection to fight off development approval in the future.


6. Draft Conservation Area Character Appraisal. A written appraisal of the existing Hilperton Conservation Area has been prepared by the Hilperton Area Action Group.  


7. Redcliffe development of land north of Devizes Road. HAAG believes this development application will likely unlock land access to a wider area covered by the Local Draft Development Proposal. A major concern locally is that this application may be approved without reference to the wider implications of the Local Draft Development proposals and the infrastructure issues affecting the area.


8. Active site under development in Hilperton

  • Church Farm, Church Street, Hilperton

    • Redevelopment to include demolition of agricultural buildings; the erection of 12 dwellings; conversion and alteration of existing buildings to create 2 No. dwellings; refurbishment and alterations to the principal house, and associated access; landscaping and drainage works.​














9. Three separate developments all pending on land off Elizabeth Way​



























  • Land off of Elizabeth Way, Hilperton, 20/07751/FUL

    • A Residential Development Comprising 71 Dwellings (Use Class C3), a New Vehicular Access, Public Open Space, Landscaping, Sustainable Urban Drainage and Other Associated Infrastructure Works.​











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