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The threat of overwhelmed roadways 


The proposed development in Staverton and Hilperton has no recommendation for new roads other than those within the proposed estates, so the traffic will all feed out along Marsh Rd, through Staverton. As the route North to Bath must cross the Avon at Staverton, this will create substantial pressure on an already busy thoroughfare which is also liable to flooding. The existing bridge is not able to take the additional traffic.


The road structure in Staverton is already damaged by the excessive HGV usage; it is narrow, bendy
and has a number of blind junctions due to lack of visibility at the bridges and also only has a
pavement on one side of the road.


Within the old villages of Hilperton and Staverton there are no main roads and there is huge pressure on the B3105 that runs from Trowbridge through Staverton. It was diverted around Hilperton with the building of
the bypass Elizabeth Way; Staverton has no bypass and is quite unsuited to the volume of the traffic
that uses it currently.

The proposed development sites are unusual in having no possibility of a road access from the North-East, as it is bordered by the Kennet and Avon Canal and then further North by the River Avon and the railway. The only crossing is at Staverton, a medieval bridge from which the B3105 runs North across a flood plain and then provides a route to Bradford on Avon, Bath or through Holt on to Melksham and A350. In the event of flooding, which happens every 2-3 years, the route is unpassable and dangerous.
























Likewise, the canal has only one through road crossing, also in Staverton; there are two more bridges, but they are not through-roads. There is also a railway bridge in Staverton. All three bridges are old and need frequent repairs. To reduce traffic flow across the medieval bridge, there are 3-way traffic signals.


Pictured below is recent damage to the medieval bridge in Staverton, where a large hole has appeared on the left-hand side as you approach across the Causeway. This may be serious because as it is in the middle of the bridge, it could indicate structural weakness. 




















Option 4 with Road Names (1).jpg

Pictured: 'Option 4' of Lightwood Strategic development plan for the Hilperton Area

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